Press Conference of Anti-Corruption Law

11 Nov 2018

The independency and impartiality of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) is assured in the Anti- Corruption Law

Special Anti-Corruption Secretariat believes that the modifications in composition of the Selection Committee of Anti-Corruption Commission is made based on Anti- Corruption Law and these changes are never meant to deny the supervisory role of the CSOs in fighting against corruption. The selection committee will work with full transparency and accountability.

In accordance to Anti-Corruption Law, the selection committee members are made of related anti-corruption entities including Supreme Court (SC), Attorney General’s Office (AG) and Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission (IARCSC). The purpose of creating such Selection Committee is to ensure competent, experienced and committed people are selected in the Anti-Corruption Commission, and to guarantee the full cooperation of the judicial and judiciary institutions with Anti-corruption Commission, which these two are necessary for effectiveness of the commission.

The Anti- Corruption Law has been drafted in accordance with United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and other international documents and the independency and impartiality of the Civil Society Organization (CSOs) are assured in this Law, as article 20 (sub. 3) of the Anti-Corruption Law clearly states that; “no one can intervene to Commission related issues as well as Commission’s decision making and an activities,” Said Head of the Special Anti-Corruption Secretariat, Dr. Yama Torabi in a press conference in Government Media and Information Center (GMIC) on Sunday.

On September 5, 2018 (1397/06/14), the draft of the Anti-Corruption Law has been approved in an extraordinary meeting of cabinet of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Based on cabinet instruction, the Ministry of Justice were obliged to revise the Law under the auspices of the Second Vice-president observing the principles of task non-interference and cooperation between institutions and according to reformist opinions of the cabinet members. It is worth mentioning that the initial draft of the Law has been drafted by CSOs.

The Ministry of Justice has revised the Law observing opinions of the cabinet members and International Community.
